On December 3rd, the SEC announced that the EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information has been amended to reflect rule and form updates, the implementation of technical changes, and other minor edits adopted in its September 2024 rulemaking. For more details, please see the EDGAR Filer Access and Account Management final rule. The amendments are effective March 24, 2025.
The amended EDGAR Filer Manual provides current and prospective filers with information and resources, including filer support and guidance and how to:
- obtain EDGAR access
- maintain all EDGAR access codes securely
- maintain accurate company information
- maintain series and class (contract) information
- pay related filing fees
- prepare filings within proper time frames
Support for changes to accessing the EDGAR System (EDGAR Next) are already available in GoFiler.
EDGAR Filer Manual (Volume I) General Information (Version 42) (sec.gov)
EDGAR Filer Access and Account Management (sec.gov)