
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5d

Application v 5.25a



Chapter FifteenWindows/OS Functions (continued)

15.3 Window Functions

15.3.1 Overview

Legato provides a modest level of direct Windows functions. This section covers those functions.

15.3.2 About Windows

Every control, application, button, etc. is made from one or more windows. This becomes an easy method of compartmentalizing the display and actions associated with the function, particularly painting and the mouse.

Windows are addressed and managed by a window handle. While the handle data type is used to store these values, the CloseHandle function does not act upon these values.

See MSDN for more information about windows and window manipulation. These are considered advanced functions.

15.3.3 Functions

Cursor Functions:

GetCursorPosition — Returns the current caret position in screen pixels.

SetCursor — Sets one of the standard cursors.

SetCursorPosition — Sets the position of the Windows cursor, in screen or client coordinates.

Window Control:

CloseWindow — Sends a request to close a specified window.

GetFocus — Get the window that presently has focus.

GetWindowText — Gets the text (caption) of the specified window.

IsWindowHandleValid — Tests handle value as being a valid window handle.

IsWindowIcon — Tests for a window as being minimized or iconic.

IsWindowMaximized — Tests for a window as being maximized or zoomed.

IsWindowVisible — Tests for a window as being visible (style set as visible, not necessarily on the screen).

MinimizeWindow — Forces a window into an icon or minimized state.

PostMessage — Post a message to a window.

SendMessage — Send a message to a window.

SetFocus — Gives focus to a specified window.

SetWindowText — Sets the text (caption) of the specified window.

Window Handle Functions:

FindWindow — Finds the first window matching the class name or title with optional parent and starting child.

GetApplicationFrameWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Frame window, if available.

GetApplicationMDIWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s MDI Client window, if available.

GetDashboardWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Dashboard window, if available.

GetDesktopWindow — Returns the handle to the desktop window.

GetInfoViewWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Information View window, if available.

GetManagementViewWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Management View window, if available.

GetParentWindow — Returns the parent window handle to the specified window.

GetProgressWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Progress window, if available.

GetProjectMDIWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Project MDI window, if available.

GetProjectTabWindow — Returns the handle to the application’s Project Tab window, if available.