GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Eighteen — DataView Integration (continued)
Rows functions cover performing mid-level actions on one or more rows. Some of the row functions will impact the cells on the rows.
DataViewCloneRow — Clones one or more rows and places the content below.
DataViewDeleteRow — Deletes one or more rows.
DataViewInsertRow — Inserts a row at position for optional number of rows.
Row State:
DataViewDisableRow — Disables contents of rows.
DataViewEnableRow — Enables row (does not enable specific cells).
DataViewHideRow — Hides (and disables) a row.
DataViewIsRowHidden — Tests for a row being hidden.
DataViewIsRowVisible — Tests for a row being visible.
DataViewShowRow — Shows (does not enable discrete cells) a row.
DataViewGetRowProps — Returns all properties for a row.
DataViewGetRowHeight — Gets the height of a row in pixels or as a pvalue.
Page revised 2024-12-13
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