
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5d

Application v 5.25a



Chapter FourteenProject Functions (continued)

14.2 Project Functions

14.2.1 Introduction

This section deals with functions that manipulate the project as a whole.

For EDGAR projects, the EDGAR Data Access Class also provides access to project information.

14.2.2 Functions


GetMyProjectsFolder — Returns the ‘MyProjects’ folder.

SetMyProjectsFolder — Sets the ‘MyProjects’ folder.


ProjectClose — Closes currently open project, optionally forces close.

ProjectGetModifiedStatus — Gets the status of changes for a project.

ProjectGetName — Gets the name of the current project.

ProjectOpen — Opens a project.

Meta Info/Project Information Table

ProjectGetInfo — Gets a named field from project including predefined fields.

ProjectGetInfoCount — Returns the count on named data within the Project Information Table.

ProjectGetInfoData — Retrieves the data portion of an entry from the Project Information Table using an index.

ProjectGetInfoName — Retrieves the name portion of an entry from the Project Information Table using an index.