GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Fourteen — Project Functions
A project consists of a collection of files, meta data and application specific information to control the creation and editing of project components. This section covers the functions and methods to access the collection of files (project entries) and meta information. Extra application information such as EDGAR data, is covered in a separate chapter.
Only one project may be open any given point. As a result, there is not a handle or other object tracking scheme involved with any of the project functions.
The content of a project falls into four basic groups:
— Meta Information Group (Project Information Table)
— Project File Entries
— Project Dependencies Files
— Project Distribution
Functions and activities are broken into three groups: Project Level Information, Project Entry Information and Project Validation. Dependencies and distribution are not presently accessible.
Project data covers not only the meta information but also general characteristics of the project.
See Appendix F — Project Technical Information for additional information on the project file format.
14.1.3 Application Level Project
Project functions also include things like connecting functions and validation.
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