GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Twenty-one — EDGARView Integration (continued)
The EDGARNextMakeAPICall function ...
string = EDGARNextMakeAPICall ( string path, [string verb], [boolean user],
headers], [string body] );
A string is the path portion of the EDGAR URL. See Remarks.
An optional string indicating the HTTP verb used to make the internal API call. the default is “GET”.
An optional boolean specifying whether the application should attach the User token to the request. The File token is also attached. The default value is FALSE.
An optional string specifying any additional headers to the request. These headers must be in proper HTTP format.
An optional string specifying the body of the request.
Return Value
Returns a string as a JSON object or an error report from the function. Use the GetLastError and GetLastErrorMessage functions to retrieve a formatted error code or textual error detail.
Use of the filing features in no way abrogates the per workstation licensing requirements of application or its components. Use of the filing SDK functions serving commercial production services, web services or large scale filing is prohibited under the standard license agreement unless covered by a separate and specific license agreement.
Calls the given API path using the application's stored API tokens. If the user parameter is set the user token will be added to the Authorization header. The caller can specify additional headers using the header parameters and an optional body with the body parameter. Please note that the headers must be properly formatted (ie “Name: Value”). Multiple headers can be added by putting line returns between them. The application will already add the Authorization header.
Related Functions
Platform Support
Go13, Go16, GoFiler Complete, GoFiler Corporate, GoFiler, GoFiler Lite, GoXBRL
Legato IDE
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