GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Eighteen — DataView Integration (continued)
The on_form_options_popup event is called when the user selected Data | Options & Tools | Options menu function.
int on_form_options_popup ( int m_x, int m_y ) { ... }
The mouse x position as an int in screen coordinates.
The mouse y position as an int in screen coordinates.
Return Value
The function is expected to complete the process. An error code can be returned but is presently ignored.
This hook allows the export popup menu to be captured and presented by the script. The script is expected to process any selection made by the user.
The top level popup button on the ribbon is always enabled.
Example code:
int on_file_export_popup(int m_x, int m_y) { string list[10]; string s1; int rc; list[0] = "Style..."; rc = MenuTrackAdHocPopup(list, m_x, m_y); if (rc < 0) { return ERROR_NONE; } // insert processing return ERROR_NONE; }
An ad hoc menu as simple items or as defined functions could be used. A fixed list is used to avoid unnecessary memory trashing.
Related Events and Functions
Page revised 2024-12-13
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