
GoFiler Legato Script Reference


Legato v 1.5e

Application v 5.25b



Chapter EighteenDataView Integration (continued)



The on_load event is called when a workbook or Forms View is opened.



int on_load ( ) { ... }




Return Value

Must return an int. The int can contain error information as a formatted error code.


This event handler is called after any template data has been loaded and the window’s Mapped Text Object has been loaded (but not parsed). The handler should read the data from the Mapped Text Object and load the sheet appropriately. Since it is already open, the handler does not open the source file. Rather, using the view handle for the view, it should retrieve the Mapped Text Object and proceed to parse the data as required. It should then load the data.

If an error occurs, the event handler should report the error. An error return value will keep the window from finalizing. [should this change]

Related Functions

Related Events