GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Eighteen — DataView Integration (continued)
Form View functions provide a general method of access to data contain on structured form views that layer Data View. Depending on the specific Form View certain named areas may be accessible to be read or written. The inheriting view must support the underlying data exchange for these functions. Native Data View only supports the framework, it does not have any inherent form data.
This feature is only supported on a limited number of form views such as Form 13F and Form 13H.
Lists define tables of information found on various EDGAR forms and XML documents. Depending on the view data elements, rows and entire tables can be read and written.
Many form functions will also fill the last message string if the error was generated while actually performing the function within the Form View. This data can be retrieved using the GetLastErrorMessage function.
Functions for lists:
DataViewGetList — Get a named table/list item from a view.
DataViewGetListColumns — Gets the number of columns in a named list item.
DataViewGetListRows — Gets the number of rows in a named list item.
DataViewGetListRow — Gets a row from a named list item.
DataViewSetList — Sets a table into a named item.
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