GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Seventeen — Application Integration Functions (continued)
The application contains a meta data manager that queries DLLs for meta information. Meta data can be set or retrieved from various areas of the application. Each does not need to coordinate or communicate with other DLLs. Note that certain objects also allow for attached meta data. See Section 5.11 Object Meta Data for more information.
The DLLs should have unique case-sensitive meta names and generally employ prefixes to avoid issues. For example:
Each name starts with “Project”. Note that the name can conventionally be split with a colon to indicate a second descriptor. In the above example, entry zero.
Some meta information is read-only.
Application parameters and meta data overlap except application parameters allow for the setting and retrieval of fixed application parameter strings while meta functions specified in this section allow for the specification contexts.
See also Section 4.15 Session Data for the ability to share data between scripts.
Page revised 2024-12-13
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