GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Nine — Dialog Functions (continued)
Legato provides basic support for the Microsoft Rich Edit dialog control. See MSDN for additional information.
9.22.2 Rich Edit Control Types and Styles
Rich Edit uses the Edit Control style bits. By default the control is not multiple line. Example of a Rich Edit control:
WS_VISIBLE, 24, 17, 60, 9, 0
9.22.3 Rich Edit Notifications
The following messages are sent via the dialog action procedure.
[In response to a message, the action procedure should calculate and set the new scroll position. Note that the notifications only express what the user requested but the control must be updated by the scroll to reflect the new position.
9.22.4 Rich Edit Control Functions
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