GoFiler Legato Script Reference
Legato v 1.5d Application v 5.25a
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Chapter Nine — Dialog Functions (continued)
The IP Address Control is a Windows common control that allows for the easy display and entry of IPv4 addresses. The Windows control class name is “SysIPAddress32” and allows for the alias “IPAddressEdit”.
The control operates by setting and retrieving IPv4 addresses in the form of a 32-bit dword value.
Control format consists of four three-digit fields with each field treated individually. Field positions are zero-based and proceed from left to right:
Aside from standard WS_ styles, the control does not have any special style control bits.
An IP address control sends messages via both the action and the notify procedures. Action items are a subset of the edit control class. Field change provides more information than the conventional edit change after a field has been changed or if the user moves off of a field.
Define | Value | Description | ||||
IPN_CHANGE | 0x0300 | Indicates via the action procedures that data within the control has changed. The message is sent as valid characters are typed into the control. (Same as EN_CHANGE within Win32SDK). | ||||
IPN_FIELDCHANGED | -860 | Sent when the user changes a field in the control or moves from one field to another. Use the IPAddressControlGetState function to determine which field changed. This notification code is sent via the notify procedure. | ||||
IPN_KILLFOCUS | 0x0200 | Indicates via the action procedures that the control has lost keyboard focus. (Same as EN_KILLFOCUS within Win32SDK). | ||||
IPN_SETFOCUS | 0x0100 | Indicates via the action procedures that the control has received keyboard focus. (Same as EN_SETFOCUS within Win32SDK). |
Page revised 2024-12-13
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